Our media product uses a lot of different techniques that you would see from a real film. There are many effects and many factors that help our film compare to real international films.
Our film was created like any film would be created. We all got together and formed different ideas and how the story should go. The story altered as we developed the script and the storyboard. The process in which we took to create this film is similar to the way in which a real film is created. We did not have high tech resources or equipment but the process was still the same.
Our media product use different camera shots and angles that a normal film would use. It allowed us the help emphasis the message and power structure that that was being conveyed to the audience. However we do challenge the antagonist character as position is played by a women. She seems to have the characteristic of a man. This is something that you would not expect from a typical horror film.
One example is the POV shot; this shot is commonly used in horror films to allow the audiences to be able to see what the character sees at the same time. This allows us to get the views engaged with the film and allow the story to flow smoothly.
2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?
Or film was based in the south east region of London. So we had to shoot the film in a location that would easily be able to generalized by everyone that it was shot somewhere in a lower-classed area of London.

3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
4. Who would be the audience for your media product?
5. How did you attract/ address your audience?
6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
We represented social groups as to how they would have been represented in society. They had the same characteristics and elements that will allow us to show the audiences that this particular character is from this region. This allowed us to target our target audience easily as we considered the different factors that we needed to consider in the social groups that we used.
Or film was based in the south east region of London. So we had to shoot the film in a location that would easily be able to generalized by everyone that it was shot somewhere in a lower-classed area of London.
The characters that we uses reinforced different social groups that you would see in that area. First there was the girl who seem to have come from a poor background. Someone who had parent issues and was "abandoned". She was seen wearing simple bodywarmer and jeans that would not find expensive. You would consider this character to come from the lower end of society.
However both men wore superdry jackets and looked wealthy. They wore brand that could easily be recognised. They would have had a better upbringing then the girl and would have been from the richer end of the town.
3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
We would distribute our film to YouTube first. This allow us to be able to get a small group of views that would watch our film. We will the get feedback from our views through the use of surveys and other research methods; then we can implement the suggestions and improvements into our film. The mistakes that we would of missed would be pointed out. We can the distribute out work to local theater and other industries. This was used when creating the beginning stages of out film as we took into account the views feedback.
However in the future we would plan to get our film to the local cinemas to generate publicity. This would then get us a bigger viewer base. We would then consider if the film is worth going international.
4. Who would be the audience for your media product?
Our main target audience for our film is white teenagers. This target audience was chosen because of the genre that we based our film on. Teenagers love horror films and they loved to be scared. This was discovered after the research that we did before we started filming. We found that the the majority of the demographics that watched horror films were teenage boys and girls. By targeting this group it allows us to maximise the potential viewers that this film could be distributed to.
5. How did you attract/ address your audience?
Many factors were considered when we thought about how we would attract our target audience. We implemented teenage actors into the film to allow the views to be able to relate. This will attract teenagers as they would be the ones int he position to be able to watch the film and compare to what would happen in their lives. Things that they may not be able to do in real like, they would see someone like them do it in the film.
Another way in which we did this is by having the teenage male actor talk constantly about sex. This portrays a typical male teenager. Furthermore you can see that the girl is scared and does not want to proceed with what the man has demanded.
6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
I have gained a lot of different skills through the different processes that we went through when we were creating this product. I have leaned many different techniques and software that you would need in order to create a successful film.
One major program that took me a lot more time to figure out was adobe premier. This was because it was my first time using this program and i had no idea how to get the different tools working. however after i got the the hang of it it became easier to use. I learned different ways in which a film can be manipulated to convey a different effect. for example different fades can show a different messages; white showing hope and black showing death.
Another program that helped develop my knowledge and skills was celtex. This was a program that allowed us to be able to create scripts, storyboard and a catalog. I learnt that there was a particular way that the script has to be written.
7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
I have knowledge of different media programs has expanded so much more. Particularly with the adobe premier, as i stated before i had no clue how to use the program and when i was creating my preliminary it took me a bit of time to get used to the program. Throughout the process of the film i have been using this program frequently and it has allow me to bind better and easier ways to do something that would of took me ages before.
I have also learned about different camera techniques that can be used in the film. when i was creating the preliminary i used medium shot, close up and extreme close up. however after a few days i learned about other techniques like high angle shot and low angle shots. furthermore i also learned abut different light techniques like high key and low key lighting.
I addition i was told when creating my preliminary to watch out for continuity and how it can cause many problems. however it was after we started shooting i found that if you make one scene different you would need to redo the whole scene. this would be very time consuming.
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