Tuesday 4 February 2014

Construction - Making use of Theory

In our film, we have followed Torodov's theory of narrative.

1. At the beginning of the film, everything is calm and normal, a couple walking down the street is seen as a normal thing and there is still an equilibrium.

2. "An event occurs that disrupts the equilibrium", Walter advances on L-R against her will and rape and violence is attempted, breaking the equilibrium.

Since our film was only two minutes, the other stages of Torodov's theory could not play out, however if it had, this is what would have happened.

3. L-R and the mysterious "geezer" discover that they are similar and have a side of them that is a monster.

4. The both of them try to restore equilibrium by keeping their monster side away from the outside world, they both attempt to learn how to control it.

5. L-R and the mysterious geezer eventually fully command their monster side and swear to each other never to unleash it, the two end up becoming a couple, and the start of the film returns with the geezer instead walking with L-R instead of Walter.

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