Friday 14 February 2014

Construction - Reflection 10

Eric did all of the editing which took 2 full days of his hard work to complete. Ben and Rimoldeen received the final sample of the film and agreed it was good to be the final film. As soon as we agreed, we begun discussing strengths and weaknesses we have had.

Strengths :
Not many bloopers from the cast.
Dedicated cast, and good actors (especially Walter).
Brilliant editing and direction skills shown by Eric.
Good lighting by Rimoldeen
Dialogue went well with the story to push it forward.
Everyone was reliable and did their part.

This is a screenshot of our podcast discussing the group and individual strengths.

Weaknesses :
Poor organisation, work all over the place.
Forgetting costume (THE BODYWARMER)
The weather changed on different days of filming.
Film was meant to be 2 minutes, we went over by 9 seconds.

This is a screenshot of our podcast when the group was discussing group and individual weaknesses.

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