Monday 4 November 2013

Planning - Storyboard

Eric drew the storyboard out for the actors, so they had a rough idea of how to present their characters in the film.
This picture shows the way in which the film will open in. This a a full shot of the characters walking across the road together. It allows us to slowly introduce the main characters that will be staring in the film.
This will me a medium long-shot of the two characters when they begin to start speaking. It allows the audience to see more details of the two characters.
The camera will take medium shots of the male character when he speaks to the girl.
It will then take a medium shot of the girls response. The camera will the switch back and forth between them untill the conversation stops.
We plan to have a close up on the lips if the characters when she says something important.
The camera will the glide behind the man still seeing the women and her reaction to what is about to happen to her.

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