Friday 18 October 2013

Planning - Thriller Genres - Horror Thriller

Horror Thriller
This is a popular genre of thriller, popularised by Alfred Hitchcock in the 1970s. This is there no good plot or story, people watch these to be scared and terrified by what they see, and there is always use of stereotypes and the nerdy girl is usually the final survivor and the one who defeats the villain.

In this scene from The nightmare on Elm street there is a lot of tension and suspense and a very high sense of danger.

Freddy Krueger (red and green shirt with the hat) is waiting patiently. There is a lot of low key lighting and close ups used in this scene. Freddy is shown laughing in an evil manner, showing his dominance in the scene. The tension is risen as the girl has found out she is Freddy's daughter and he is a psycho serial killer.

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