Thursday 31 October 2013

Planning - Draft Work

Before we stared making the film, we had to first come up with ideas with what the film is based around. We wrote down possible names for the film, possible names for  the characters and the rough scenario. 

Banshees Whiteness
blood of my loves
The monster within
Split Soul*
separate soul*
two girls one body
MIRROR image
Heavy heart*
destined to kill
venom blood

Opening Scene
  •   long shot, of a couple walking down a dark alleyway
  • gets a medium shot of both the couples talking, boy trying to illicit sex, girl reluctant
  • boy get angry, forcing the girl into the alleyway
  • cut to long shot of a alleyway entrance, hearing the girl scream
  • cut to a close up on the mans face covered in blood and heavily bruised 
  • girl in panic scampers out half naked and covered in blood
  • as she is running she bumps into a mysterious man, with low key lighting
  • the man stares at her and exclaims " whats a pretty girl like you doing in a place like this, at this time of night"
  • girl even more scared, barges past toward the distance ( fade to black)

  • School Scene
  • a group of boys and the girl from before come out of the school and talks about the kid who's body was found mutilated in a n alleyway. " i'm sorry what happened "
  • a hence african black male runs net to the boys and says "  if it was me i would not have got my ass kicked like that guy, you need a real man like me!", 
  • boys look in horror, girl shrugs and says " he  was a dick head anyways"
  • boys confused quickly changing the subject say " we still having that fifa game round yours" , black man says " hell yeah "
  • the man from before walks past the screen and stares at the girl, however the group is oblivious to the man.
  • extreme close up on the mans face.
  • fade to black

Character names
Girl - davina, L-R, Ella
Ben - Peter, Walter, Ben
Eric - Tyrone, Jamal
Rimoldeen - Achmed, 
Alfie -  Mysterious Geezer


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