camera shot is the amount of space that is seen in the camera frame. camera shots are used to convey aspects of the film and characters.
Extreme Long Shot
This shot contains a large amount of area in camera frame. it is mostly used at the beginning of a film to establish the location of the film and to set the scene.
This is an example of an extreme long shot, you can see a large amount of area in the camera frame. it allows the audience get into the setting and assume that it is going to be set near the lake.
The camera normally zooms out of a extreme long shot into a long shot.
Long Shot
The long shot gives the views a more specific location of where the event is going to happen. a kong shot can show views the building, area, ( a park ) that the first scene is going to take place.
Medium shot
This is a shot that is taken of the characters from the waste up, this allows the audience to see hand and body language. it also allows you to see facial expressions.
Medium close up
This shot is taken from the chest upwards to the head of the character. it may contain little or no background. this shot is mainly used when two character are engaged in a conversation. it allows you to see facial expressions more clearly.
This shot is taken from the characters chin, top of the shoulders up to the head. this help emphasis the characters facial emotions to the audience. again like the medium close up there may be little or no background. the focus will be on the character. In this shot the focus is on the persons face, there is barely any background that you may look at. the facial expression is clear enough to judge what the character is thinking, see his emotions.
This shot can also be used to heighten tension between the characters.

Extreme Close Up
An extreme close up shot show a lot of details of a character or an object. these are details that you cant naturally bee seen in real life. the camera emphasis on a specific part of a person to convey a message.
In this image there is great detail in the persons eyes. this is something you would not naturally see unless you focus closely.
Different Angles

High Angle
A high angle shots are used in flims to make a character/object look small. it gives the effect of the character/object looking vulnerable, defenseless.

Low Angle Shot
A low angle shot helps make a character or an object look taller. this gives the effect of the character looking much more powerful. it is used in situations to emphasis who is in authority.